Cash Management πŸ’°πŸ’·πŸ’²πŸ’±

Hello my sweet readers, how are you all? Hope you are all keeping well πŸ€— I am back today with a new interesting post. I usually only ever talk about make-up and beauty related things. Today I thought I'll talk about something different. It sounds way off topic, but I feel it will benefit a majority of people πŸ‘πŸΌ
So today's post is about Cash Management. Everybody i'm sure must've gone through this at some stage in their lives. With Christmas not too far gone by, people will probably be feeling their purse strings tighten up a bit, with money pressures adding to their daily lives πŸ˜” Getting help and advice about money matters is not a crime. In fact it can help keep you organised, and be a wise spender (or saver! πŸ˜‰) in the long run, making it easier to manage your money!

Money contributes to everything in our daily lives, with some people having alot of money! To some people living decently and a small majority with less money. Living costs vary day by day, some people struggling to make ends meet, and some living extravagant lifestyles. But Money shouldn't be a factor that makes life hard for anyone. Living life Kingsized on a budget can still be achievable! 😊 Let me share some tips and tricks on how best to budget your money and make the most of it! Read on to find out more! ➡️➡️

Tips & Tricks. 

✔ Plan your Budgets!
This is a very important step to follow first and foremost! You need to find out where your finances are going. πŸ“†

✔ Create a Budget Planner!
Get a note book or accounts book and list down all your income & expenditures. Make a list of all things that are getting paid for on a regular basis. πŸ“š

✔ Check your outgoings!
Your income is safe until an expenditure is made. Prioritise your expenditures in largest to smallest order. That way you can see where your biggest expenditure is compared to the smaller ones.

✔ Do you really need all these?
Take a good look at your expenditures. Do you really need all these outgoings? Check which ones are unnecessary, for example: subscriptions that are not important? Maybe you can cancel them if you don't use them much? Save yourself a packet! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

✔ Make your money stretch further!
Looking at all your finances, can you make your income stretch further without breaking the bank? Who wouldn't like some extra cash leftover to enjoy? πŸ‘πŸΌ

✔ Time to switchover!
Do you have any credit cards lingering over their clearance date? Why not get a balance transfer? Too many cards equals too many commitments. Transfering many cards into 2 or less cards, can give you back control of your money by consolidating all your credits into easy to manage payments. Easy! πŸ€—

✔ Declutter your life!
Feeling skint or short of money? Why not sell things you don't need anymore? Great selling websites like Ebay, gumtree, shpock etc all have great platforms on which to buy & sell goods on at great prices. Selling the things you don't need can be a great way to generate extra cash πŸ’·πŸ’²

✔ Make a Savings Fund!
Make a pledge to save some money whenever you can. If you have extra cash or spare change leftover, pop it into a savings tin or deposit it in a less used account. Saving a little each time, gives you commitment to save for a rainy day. Giving you control to curb your spendings and making sure to stick to your promise of saving. This can have have a big impact that pays off nicely! πŸ‘πŸΌ

✔ Get some expert advice!
Money issues getting real bad? We've all been down that road at some point in our lives. For some people, money situations can get so bad, bankruptcy, ccj's, bailiffs, etc make the situation even more worse, and whats more worse than this is not being able to get any money related advice at all! When things are beginning to look bad, first port of call is to check your finances. If nothing makes sense, head over to the citizens advice bureau. They may be able to advise you, and direct you in the right direction or who to speak to. Check out:
These are valuable internet websites that offer the best advice to your money matters.

✔Getting the best deals!
Getting the best deals on your utility bills is no doubt a great feeling 😊 saving money is a number 1 priority that everyone should take seriously. Make the most of switching suppliers to get a great deal. It's all about saving money!


Getting an early start into managing your money more efficiently, can save you your hard earned money aswell as money troubles πŸ’·πŸ’° Learning how best to utilise your money will be a good lesson to teach yourself and others. I'm no expert, but i've been through some money problems myself. After getting fed up of all the money I wasted, I regretted it big time that with all the money I saved, I could've been a millionaire by now!! πŸ’― But now i've just learnt how best to manage my money and sharing my experience and tips & tricks I hope to help many others who may be somewhere along my lines of money matters and just need a bit of guidance or a push in the right direction. Feel free to give my tips a go. Who knows? You just might be needing this all along! πŸ€— I will leave some links to some great money advice websites below. Do check them out! ✔

I hope that this blogpost has been informative for you all. Do you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you? Why not share them here with others? Will be of valuable input πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

I shall sign off here then my lovelies, and will be back again with another great post. So until next time, take care & stay Beautiful! πŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸΌ xXxXx


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