Skin Care Tips 😊

Hello my beautiful friends how are you all? Hope you are all well πŸ€— It has been quite a while since I last wrote a post. To be honest, I feel as though my life has unexpectedly become more busier than usual. I have so many commitments and chores waiting for me, that I hardly have time to sit down and write for you! πŸ˜• I feel bad that I cannot do what I love and wish I had extra time, but there's very little I can do about this. I will try my best to keep my blog going and keep all my lovely readers happy 😘
Anyways, enough natter. Today I am back with a new post. I would like to share some skin care tips with you. These skin care tips are suitable for both men and women, and based on how I care for my skin and what works for me that will most probably work for you aswell. It is simple skin care that is suitable for all skin types πŸ‘πŸΌ We all have been down that road where our skin plays up every now and then, but knowing that we can take care of our skin simply and effectively, will ensure we can follow a good routine to looking after our skin 😊 So if you would like to know more, then read πŸ”›

Skin Care Tips πŸ‘πŸΌ

☆ Wash your face Day & Night. Keeping your skin clean is a number 1 priority. Use warm water to gently open up pores to clean your skin effectively.

☆ Use a gentle face scrub. Exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal clearer skin. Using a gentle scrub 2-3 times a week will keep your skin clean and free from bacteria build up.

The many types of exfoliants available in the market, such as Loofahs, electronic facial brushes, face scrubs etc.

☆ Oily skin? All the more reason to keep your skin clean! Oil build up can clog your skin if not taken care of properly. Many people naturally have oily skin, making them look shiny and greasy. It is sad that often when they try to cover up with make up can actually make it worse. Following a good skin care routine can help to manage their skin type and often alleviate their break outs by following a routine that can work for their skin. Speaking with qualified clinicians you can gain more information about your particular skin type, and they can suggest products in relation to your relevant skin care routine πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

Different types of moisturisers for each skin type. High end & basic moisturisers for your budget, all beneficial πŸ‘πŸΌ

☆ Let your skin breathe! Wearing make up everyday can damage your skin! 🚫 There are so many ingredients and chemicals that go into our make up products that we are unknown to. Layers and layers of make up clogs up our pores which embed deep into our skin. Always take your make up off when you are finished wearing it, and especially at night. No matter how tired you are, ALWAYS take your make up off to let your skin breathe.

Face masks and scrubs help remove dead skin, revealing a fresh radiant complexion πŸ₯°

☆ Scrub Away! Using face scrubs are a gentle and effective remedy to gently exfoliate skin and remove dead skin cells. There are many types of scrubs available, and some great recipe ideas for making your own home made face scrubs. Sensitive skin people should consider using gentle scrubs to prevent irritation. Also another tip is to look for one that is suitable for your particular skin type πŸ‘πŸΌ

Toners to refresh and balance skin. Can be used to prep the skin before make up application aswell πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

☆ Mask off! Why not pamper your skin by using a face mask? Face masks can help rejuvenate skin by adding moisture and conditioning it at the same time. Whenever you have some 'me time' be sure to relax with a face mask!

☆ Massaging your face a few times a week can tighten and tone your skin. When your face feels tired and tensed up, massage it gently with your finger tips. Nowadays you can get some facial massaging aids to use on your face, like derma rollers, massaging tools to relax the facial muscles and help to tighten the skin and improve elasticity aswell as smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.

Sunscreen is very important, so use liberally for sun protection 🌞

☆ Facial oils are good to moisturise the skin and add hydration to dry areas of the face. Sometimes just using moisturiser alone is not good enough. Dry skin sufferers know how important it is to keep skin well moisturised, to prevent skin from looking dry, flaky and becoming chaffed. Facial oils penetrate deep into the skin and provide nourishment to the layers of the skin, where it is needed most.

Facial Oils relieve dry skin and help moisturise where needed πŸ‘πŸΌ

☆ Problem skin? Help is at hand. People who have skin issues like Acne, breakouts, oily skin please don't be afraid to speak to a dermatologist. These are skin experts who can help you with advice, explain and diagnose your skin condition better, and recommend products designed for your particular issue aswell as advise on how best to maintain a good skin care routine that works best for you πŸ€—


Those are just some of the basic steps you can take to make a start on how best to lookafter your skin. Starting off with something can help you build up a programme that best suits you and your skin. Our skin changes all the time with so many factors that affect it in our daily lives, that is why looking for solutions on how to lookafter it will make us more weary about our skin and how best to take care of it with a routine you can easily manage 😊

And so this is the end of my post. I hope it has been informative for you and help you in any way. Do you know any skincare secrets or handy tips? Why not share them in the comments below? We can teach each other and help share knowledge πŸ€—

I hope to be back again soon with another great post for you guys. Until next time, take care and stay Beautiful πŸ₯° xXx


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